1. What is melasma?
Melasma is a chronic skin condition that causes discoloration on the face. This condition usually manifests itself as brown or blue-gray patches along the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin. The primary factors that cause melasma are hormonal changes and exposure to the sun. The most effective and long-lasting treatments are therefore to reduce or eliminate these causes. Many women get melasma during pregnancy, and if so, the condition will usually improve naturally after the pregnancy is over.
At REALR Professional Skin Care in Allston, MA, we specialize in luxury paramedical health and beauty services, offering a full array of advanced skincare and therapeutic body treatments. We offer boston’s best facial treatment and professional quality skin care products.
When disrupted by internal or external factors, the skin’s natural balance is replaced with a new order that, if not treated, can have negative long-term consequences.
We help clients restore and preserve their skin’s natural balance with our customized skincare management plans designed to address individual body chemistries.
2. Treating melasma with prescription drugs
1.Go to your GP. Before you see a dermatologist, talk to him about the possibility of hormone treatment, such as medication or creams. The treatment of melasma may not be covered by health insurance companies. In this case, you should find out the costs of the treatment options in question in advance.
2.Stop medications that could cause this condition. Certain medications, like birth control pills and hormone replacement therapies, can affect your hormones and trigger melasma. Talk to your doctor about stopping such supplements. Pregnancies are most commonly associated with melasma. Melasma is also known to be associated with medications and diseases that affect your hormones. Oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies are the second most common cause after pregnancy. You can stop taking these supplements or try switching to a different product to see if the melasma will naturally fade afterward.
3.Use other hormone replacement therapy. It is often impossible to stop such therapy. Therefore, think about why you need to undergo this treatment and see if it is possible to stop it or adjust the dosage. Therapy may be adjusted to reduce the likelihood of melasma occurring. However, be sure to seek advice from your doctor beforehand. Start taking hormone replacement supplements at night. If you take the remedy in the morning, it will be fully effective at noon, when the sun is at its strongest, thus maximizing the risk of melasma. Postponing the intake time to night can reduce the problem. Creams and patches are generally less likely to trigger the condition than oral treatment versions. Ask your doctor for the lowest dose possible.
4.Ask your doctor for a prescription hydroquinone cream. Some types of treatments that contain this active ingredient can be bought over the counter, but your dermatologist or family doctor can prescribe a stronger version that is more effective at lightening the skin.
Hydroquinone is available as a cream, lotion, gel or liquid. It works by blocking the natural chemical process in the skin that stimulates the production of melanin, and since melanin is responsible for causing dark skin pigmentation, it also reduces the incidence of those pigmentations associated with melasma.
Prescription hydroquinone typically has a concentration of four percent. Hydroquinone concentrations above four percent can be dangerous. They can cause ochronosis, a permanent form of skin discoloration.
5.Talk to your doctor about a second skin lightener. While hydroquinone is used as an initial treatment in many cases, your dermatologist may be willing to prescribe a secondary skin lightener that will boost the effects.
Tretinoins and corticosteroids are among the most commonly used secondary treatments. Both are used to speed up the body's skin cell renewal process. Some dermatologists may even prescribe "triple creams" that contain tretinoin, a corticosteroid, and hydroquinone in the same formulation.
Other options are azelaic acid or kojic acid, which slow the production of skin-darkening pigments.
3. Treating melasma with nonprescription home treatments
Get a chemical peel. One such agent uses glycolic acid or a similar chemical abrasive to peel off the skin layer affected by melasma. REALR skin clinic combines the power of advanced science with the soothing properties of pure natural extracts, to bring you skin that is not only clear, but also healthy and balanced.
The liquid chemical is applied to the skin, causing a slight chemical burn. As the burned layers peel off, they leave behind fresh, melasma-free skin. However, this will not prevent melasma from developing if the underlying hormonal imbalances have not been addressed.
Glycolic acid is one of the most common options, another alternative is trichloroacetic acid, which is similar in composition to vinegar. Exfoliants with this chemical can be more painful after treatment, but are a good alternative for more severe melasma cases.
Read up on microdermabrasion and dermabrasion. During these treatments, the top layer of skin is gradually removed until all that remains is clean, melasma-free skin.
Both dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are medical procedures that essentially "abrade" the surface layer of the skin with abrasive materials. During microdermabrasion, fine crystals are distributed over the skin. These crystals are abrasive enough to permanently remove dead skin cells and thus peel off the affected skin.
As a rule, around five treatments can be carried out at intervals of two to four weeks. You will still have the option of maintenance treatment every four to eight weeks unless the underlying cause of your melasma has been addressed.
Be careful with lasers. While some laser treatments are able to peel off skin affected by melasma, they could also make the skin look worse. Laser treatment should only be performed by a licensed professional. Look for a restorative or fractional dual laser that only focuses on pigmentation on the surface of the skin.
Fractional laser treatments are usually expensive and can cost $1,000 or more. Keep in mind that you will likely need three to four treatments over a period of three to six months.
4. Treating melasma with nonprescription home treatments
Protect your skin from the sun. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and take other measures to protect your skin from the sun. This can prevent an outbreak of melasma and reduce the risk of the existing condition getting worse.[
Apply the sunscreen 20 minutes before going out in the sun. Buy a sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher, preferably with additional nutrients, such as. B. zinc.
You can also “double” the sun protection factor. First apply a layer of SPF 15, then apply a product with an SPF of 30 to increase protection.
Wear a wide-brimmed hat and large sunglasses for additional protection of your face. If your melasma is particularly bad, you should also consider wearing long sleeved shirts and pants. Try to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible.
Just relax. Stress can make hormonal imbalances worse, and if hormonal imbalance is the cause of your melasma, reducing stress can help treat it.
If you're having trouble relaxing, try techniques like meditation or yoga. If these don't work or don't appeal to you, just take the time to do more things you enjoy, such as: B. walks in the park, reading or a bubble bath.
Taking tretinoin. This is a type of vitamin A that increases the frequency of skin cell renewal, which makes melasma spots fade faster.
However, this alone cannot cure your melasma unless the underlying cause is also addressed at the same time. The affected skin will peel off faster, but this has no effect on the new skin cells that are already affected.
If your melasma is pregnancy-related, assume that the symptoms will go away after the pregnancy. However, the likelihood of recurrence is increased for possible subsequent pregnancies. Cases of melasma that are not related to pregnancy last longer and may require further treatment.
Contact one of our specialists today for a free skin consultation to find a skincare management plan that’s right for you.