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Fotona 4D, a Versatile Anti-aging Technology for All-around Skin Rejuvenation

As you age beyond 25, it is essential to start preparing for anti-aging measures. Anti-aging should ideally begin early, as waiting until wrinkles appear can be less effective. With increasing age, collagen loss occurs, and skincare products may become less effective. Fotona 4D, the European star in the field of medical aesthetics, offers a rejuvenating experience for your skin.

Many people who are new to medical aesthetics may be unfamiliar with it, but those who have tried it know how effective it can be. Fotona 4D is a highly regarded medical aesthetic procedure that provides a comfortable and warming experience, suitable for those looking to combat the signs of aging comprehensively.

Before delving into the specifics of Fotona 4D, let's analyze the causes of skin aging:

  1. Epidermal aging can lead to issues like skin dullness, pigmentation, rough texture, redness, and dark circles.

  2. Dermal collagen loss can result in various forms of sagging and drooping.

  3. SMAS fascial layer aging can cause a feeling of separation between the skin and muscles.

  4. Subcutaneous fat fiber aging can lead to localized fat accumulation and increased sagging, making the face appear less contoured.

The principle of action of Fotona 4D:

Fotona 4D employs a layered approach to anti-aging treatment. It uses a 2940-nanometer laser combined with thermal effects to target the fascial layer. Because the oral mucosa is closer to the fascial layer, it allows for uniform heating from the inside out, improving skin laxity and enhancing skin elasticity.

Fotona 4D targets the following layers:

  1. Epidermal layer

  2. Dermal layer

  3. Subcutaneous fat layer (adipose layer)

  4. Deep mucosal layer (oral mucosa)

Target people for Fotona 4D: Fotona 4D is ideal for individuals with characteristics such as baby fat, thick fat layers, tight jawlines, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines, among other localized wrinkles.

Is it painful? During the intraoral treatment, the thin and sensitive lip mucosa may cause some discomfort. However, for the facial treatment, there is a warm sensation, and there is no need for anesthesia. A single session typically takes around 60 minutes. Fotona 4D can address several concerns, including:

  1. Tightening and lifting

  2. Improving skin tone and reducing dullness

  3. Facial sagging and drooping

  4. Fine lines around the eyes

  5. Nasolabial folds

  6. Defining the jawline

  7. Lifting the cheek area

  8. Reducing under-eye bags and puffiness

Fotona 4D has four different modes:

  1. Smooth: Internal tightening for nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

  2. Frac3: Skin rejuvenation and lightening, targeting dark circles (stimulates collagen production).

  3. Piano: Deep heating for fat reduction and skin tightening.

  4. Superficial: Acts on the epidermal layer, with options for non-ablative pore reduction, fine line reduction, and superficial peeling.

Advantages of Fotona 4D: Fotona 4D operates in the infrared spectrum, primarily providing thermal effects on the skin's surface. It can help combat aging, hydrate, whiten, and improve skin laxity and elasticity.

Post-procedure care: After the treatment, mild redness and swelling are normal skin reactions, typically subsiding within two hours or lasting up to two to three days in some cases. Patients should use a mild medical repairing mask for about a week after the procedure. Avoid stimulating or rubbing the skin within seven days after the procedure and refrain from using exfoliating or glycolic acid products for a month. Protect the skin with chemical and physical sunscreen and maintain hydration to prevent pigment deposition. Avoid high-temperature environments like saunas or hot springs within three days. If you experience dryness and increased eye secretions, artificial tears can relieve fatigue symptoms. Fotona 4D is typically performed in a series, with one basic course every month for about 3 to 5 sessions. After completing the course, maintenance can be done every 2 to 3 months as needed.

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